Saturday, July 10, 2010

Oops! Kojima Haruna tweets "Tegoshi" *update* She explains it all...

AKB48 member Kojima Haruna, tweeted the word “Tegoshi” on her twitter. Although she deleted it right away, her 45,000 followers are overflowing with curiosity.

The reason why people are going crazy over this tweet, is because there was a rumor before that Haruna was dating Tegoshi Yuya (NEWS). There are many threads about it on 2 channel (Japan’s biggest internet forum), and people are trying to decode what the tweet meant. Some people assume that Haruna is admitting to the rumor about dating Tegoshi Yuya.

Haruna has not said anything about the tweet yet. (japan_now)

Ooh, I saw this yesterday on Entame, but couldn't understand it. :(

At her concert today, Kojima Haruna replied to the ridiculous questions regarding her extremely specific and incriminating tweet, which contained Tegoshi's name - and nothing else. She explained that she was trying to reply to a friend, but got it wrong. The friend's tweet said that Tegoshi's new CM is cool.
Anyone who has seen Tegoshi's new CM would know that they were probably making fun of him but cannot admit it.
The great mass of human intelligence that is 2 channel has mostly agreed that there is no truth to the rumor; some have even thrown out her explanation and have decided that Kojima was searching for Tegoshi's name on Twitter for the lulz, just to see if anyone was discussing her in conjunction with him due to the recent rumors. (aramatheydidnt)

And for those who are curious, you can follow Kojima Haruna here. You can also follow me here for blog updates. :D

You can watch the CM on YouTube here, but first here's a clip on the making of the CM!


  1. What is "2channel" i hear it a lot but haven't been able to find the site online.

  2. It's a forum kind of thing. The url is

    I've never used it though.


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